Terms of Service for TaskManager-AI

Last updated: July, 27, 2024

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using the TaskManager-AI ("the Service"), you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service ("Terms"). If you disagree with any part of the terms, you may not access the Service.

2. Description of Service

The Service is a kanban-style task manager system that allows users to create and manage projects, tasks, and deliverables.

3. User Accounts

You need a Google or GitHub account to use the Service. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password.

4. User Content

You retain all rights to the content you create using the Service. By using the Service, you grant us a license to use, modify, and display that content solely for the purpose of providing the Service.

5. Prohibited Uses

You may not use the Service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction.

6. Termination

We may terminate or suspend access to our Service immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.

7. Limitation of Liability

In no event shall [Your Company Name], nor its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages.

8. Changes

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. We will provide notice of changes by posting the updated Terms on this page.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us.